How to become Muslim

One becomes a Muslim by uttering and believing in the Two Testifications of Faith (referred to in Arabic as ash-Shahadatan) and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy.

I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

Listen here

Como hacerse Musulmán

Uno se hace Musulmán creyendo en las Dos Testificaciones de Fe (referido en Arabe como Ash-shahadatan) y diciéndolo con la intención de renunciar blasfemia.

Yo testifico que nada merece ser adorado excepto Alah y testifico que Muhammad es el mensajero de Alah.

 Listen here

كيف يدخل غير المسلم في الإسلام

يَدخل غيرُ المسلم في الإسلام بالإيمان بمعنى الشهادتين وقولِهِما سامعًا نفسَه بأيّ لغةٍ يُحسنها.

وإن أراد قولَهما بالعربية فهما:

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إلَـهَ إلَّا اللهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ الله

وَهَذا هو التسجيل الصوتي للشهادتين

اضغط هنا



Hiking Event


Monday September 2nd at 10 A.M.




Middlesex Fells Reservation


4 Woodland Rd, Stoneham, MA 02180



The Trail :


Southern Middlesex Fells Loop, 3.4 miles




Parking at Middlesex Fells Reservation (Please text if you need a carpool ride by 9:30 AM):



Parking for Middlesex Fells Reservation is free in the following locations:


Sheepfold parking area, Rte.28 (open 9:00 a.m. to dusk)


Flynn Rink, the Botume House and Virginia Wood on Woodland Road


Greenwood Park, the Stone Zoo and one "pull-off" on Pond Street


Straw Point Parking Area on corner of South Street and Rte.28


Bellevue Pond, Long Pond and other "pull-offs" along South Border Road


Jerry Jingle Park on Lynn Fells Parkway (please use caution crossing to reservation)


Crystal Springs Parking Area on Lynn Fells Parkway


Additional "pull-off" on Fellsway East


Things to Remember :

  • Time, distance, difficulty: Average hiker pace is estimated at 1.5 miles per hour. Most distances are round-trip. Plan conservatively, start early. Be aware of weather and sunset. Trail difficulty ratings based on ruggedness and gradient are easy, moderate, or difficult.
  • Wear weather appropriate clothing: Layer for temperature changes. Appropriate footwear is a must. Trails can be wet.
  • Parking at trailheads: Parking fees may apply. Space may be limited. Be courteous to avoid blocking in others. Do not leave valuables in your car.
  • Bring a map, and share your plans with someone.
  • Drinking water is usually not available. Bring plenty! Trailside sources should be treated.
  • Stay on designated trails: Follow painted blazes and signs if available. Double blazes indicate an intersection or direction change.
  • Pace & group size: Keep your group together; hike only as fast as your group’s slowest hiker or rider. Limit group size to 12 people or fewer to lessen impacts.
  • Carry-in, carry-out all trash: Leave No Trace outdoor ethics are strongly encouraged. For more information visit
  • Pets are permitted on trails on 10-foot maximum leash and under control at all times. Please clean up after your pet and dispose of all waste outside of park. Be aware of local park rules. Not all users appreciate encountering pets, even when friendly.
  • Helmets required for children under 16. Recommended for all.
  • Be aware that some trails are not well marked.
  • Be aware of hunting seasons and wear blaze orange when appropriate. For season info visit: